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Robo Roll

Product of Texas A&M's 2018 Summer Industry Course with Pixar Animation

Every summer, graduate students from the Department of Visualization have the opportunity to work with an animation studio in a 10-week long course. This year's summer workshop was led by current artists at Disney's Pixar Animation Studio.


One of the animated films from this course, Robo Roll, was created by Mallory Kohut, Christina Davis, Emily Bujnoch, and Matthew Eng.

Titles: Production & Rigging Lead


Animation Breakdown


Modeling – I was responsible for modeling our larger robot character, the Nigiri bot, using Autodesk Maya 2015. Multiple parts of this character were needed to come apart in our story so those pieces were modeled separately.


Rigging – As the rigging lead, I was in charge of properly rigging our two main characters, Shiitake and Nigiri bot. Both robots were partially rigged using a Python script in Autodesk Maya. My script created the base joints and controls using locators that were already paced within the scene. The Python script also parented and constrained all controls to their respective joints. I was also responsible for each character’s paint weights which were done by hand instead of scripting.


Surfacing – One of my responsibilities was texturing several props using Substance Painter. Some of the props I textured include the carrots, avocados, the parking brake, the wooden spatula, mini refrigerator, and food cans (not including the main Eel sauce can).


Animation – I was responsible for animating the characters and props in scene 14 (0:27 – 0:30). The can drop was animated based on actual reference our team captured using a yam can. Also, I was responsible for our Shiitake bot’s eye animation which was created using an image sequence in Adobe AfterEffects and applied to our model in Autodesk Maya.  


Sound – I collected and carefully timed almost all of the sound effects in our final animation. In addition, I adjusted the pacing and volume of the music to meet our story’s needs.


Production – As production lead, I was in charge of keeping track of our animation’s progress. Schedules and spreadsheets were created using the Google Apps Suite and were updated on a daily basis.


Software  Autodesk Maya 2015, Substance Painter, Side FX’s Houdini, Adobe Photoshop, Adobe AfterEffects, Adobe Premiere, Pixar’s Renderman, Google Apps Suite

Character Modeling

*Concept Art was done by Mallory Kohut

Character Animation
Character Rigging
Reference Footage
Prop Surfacing (Substance Painter)

© 2022 by Emily Bujnoch 

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